Good in a crisis

Brian J. Roan is a writer, editor, photographer, distiller, critic, and journeyman creative.

In all reality I do way, way too much. There comes a point at which any normal human being would realize they need to calm down and maybe trim back some hobbies, but I have yet to reach that point. Just look at all those titles listed above! I could stand to lose like three of those. And yet, I also failed to list that I am a single dad who makes candles sometimes, too.

Anyway. This site serves as a clearing house for my creative endeavors, as well as a place to do some more personal work. It’s not a resume, it’s not a functioning outlet with standard publishing schedules or anything like that. It’s just me, tossing my orphaned ideas and photographs into a nicely organized junk drawer of a web site.


Brian J. Roan
